X-Over Brand Carry Bag

$7.50 $10.00 sale

X-Over Brand Carry Bag

$7.50 $10.00 sale
Product description
X-Over Resistance Bands for Arm and Shoulder building- Compare to Crossover Symmetry for building strong shoulders in Crossfit and p90x

X-Over Carry Bag is designed to transport your cords from location to location making it easy to take on the go. With drawstring and sturdy material, this bag can easily be placed in luggage or just grab and go when you need to take your X-Over Bands to work, the gym, a friends house, outside in the park or wherever you choose to work out. The X-Over Carry Bag holds up to 10 cords. >/p>

Arm and shoulder crossover X style resistance bands made in the usa and covered for safety
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